Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bentleyville 2013

Every year we take John and the girls over to the huge Christmas light display at the Duluth harbor. Every year something new is added and when I saw this display I had to take a picture. We seem to forget about the tens of thousands of men and women who can't be home for the holidays; some to never return. Then I thought about our illustrious senators and representatives who in their haste to beat feet home, passed a bill cutting benefits for some of our soldiers. What? Huh? Can that be? Oh, I'm guessing once they wander back to Washington, pointing fingers at each other all the way, they'll figure out a way to right this wrong (blaming someone else of course). A lot of words come to mind, some of which I won't put in print. How about "pathetic"?
The tour at Bentleyville is free but you are asked to bring a food item to help fill the local food shelves. As we walked up with our sack, I only saw two other bags in the tote boxes. As we left I walked by a few hundred people entering and only saw one woman with a bag in her hands. Maybe all these other people couldn't afford a can of soup or a can of corn but from the looks of them, most of these folks weren't hurting for a meal. It was sad. I guess I expected more out of my fellow Northlanders.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Deer Huntin' 2013

Hunting 2 weeks after Minnesota always presents it's problems. The rut is normally over and it's 2 weeks colder. Deer were still moving up to and including the day before the season opened. Problem was, they must read the calendar as they became quite scarce once the season did open.
Did I mention cold? Opening morning handed us single digit temperatures and NW winds of 20+ mph. Let's just say the wind chill was well below zero. The only deer seen was this spike who wandered by me a half hour before sunset on Saturday.
After the other hunters left Monday, John and I hunted through Thursday. He could have shot a big doe but passed on it. With this buck and the one I shot with the bow in October, he figured we had enough meat and decided to let the doe live and hopefully make more deer in the future.
Most guys who had hunted for 5 days and hadn't seen a deer yet would have plugged it. That's why John is a great hunter. He knows when not to pull the trigger.
We hunted together three days as we took one off to butcher that buck. Even though we are sometimes 1/2 mile apart, it's good knowing that he's out there. I can count on him and as I get older that becomes more and more important to me. Enough said.
I've still got a doe permit left with my bow and a 4 day does only rifle season coming up in 10 days. Doesn't matter. I've cleaned my rifles and stowed away the blaze orange. Putting the bow away will be next. Don't need any more deer so I'm through for the year.
Oh, and that 30.06 made it through another year dad.....

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Turkey - 2013

These guys have been eluding me for the better part of 6 weeks. First Cody scared away 3 jakes and after that turkeys seemed to appear whenever I wasn't hunting. It's the downside of trail cameras I guess. It's like "Dang, why didn't I hunt yesterday at 2:00"? Then, of course, a small herd would appear across the street on my neighbor's property or at the end of our property while I was driving down the road.
Then there was the night I was armed with my bow and jumped a flock walking out to my bow stand. I went back to the house, got my shotgun and wandered around the woods until almost dark looking for them. Of course, they had disappeared.
Friday night the deer hunters were due up for our annual gun sight in, stand repair weekend. First thing that morning I wandered out to check a trail camera and jumped some birds. Decided to go back after lunch and spend a couple hours hoping 1 might wander back. Well, it only took 20 minutes until this guy showed up. My hunt is over. He's now in the freezer.
Since my archery buck tag is used up I'll probably not doe hunt. I'll wait for the guys to come up in a month to rifle hunt. I've got some work to do on a stand and will increase my training with Cody as he's now 9 months old and just loves the woods. He's not gun shy and finds everything I toss in the weeds. I'm sure he and I can find some trouble to get into.....

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday night at The Hotel California

The weather has been tough for bow hunting. It;s been windy and warm. Not the kind of weather we bow hunters like. Though I've been out a lot, it seems the deer have been hanging around stands I'm not hunting.
Tonight I decided to hunt The Hotel California for the first time. Though it was windy, I've seen deer on the trail camera down there. I don't like hunting that stand in the evening when I'm alone as it can be tough if you hit a deer right around dark and don't have a buddy around. Well, that's just what happened tonight. This nice fork came by about 20 minutes before dark. I debated whether or not to take him but when he presented a broadside at 18 yards, I decided to shoot. I knew I hit him but decided not to wait for a half hour as it was getting dark.
When I got down I couldn't find my arrow. Not a good sign as you want a through and through so as to get a better blood trail. With my flash light and headlamp, I searched for 20 minutes and couldn't find any blood. I worked my way back towards where I shot figuring I'd have to come back in the morning and see if I could find any blood. Well, I happened upon a few specks in the leaves and started to follow, marking the trees with trail tape as I went. When I ran out of blood I decided to give it up for the night as it was dark by then and if you've spent any time in the woods, you understand what dark is out in the boonies. I decided to make one last trek up the hill and saw what I figured was another of the many downed birch trees in the area. A big white spot in the dark. Well, it was my buck. I had hit him with a through and through lung shot.
Gutting him out and dragging him to a place where I could get my ATV was yet another challenge, but I managed.
Now it's time to try and find those dang turkeys that keep eluding me. Oh, and I have go to back tomorrow and try to find my arrow. We Norwegians hate to leave valuables lying around in the woods.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dewey's Pumpkins (and other things)

Last year I harvested 15 pumpkins. Thought I'd increase my production this year as the deer love 'em. Well, now I have a boatload. Uffda it's gonna be a bit of work carting them back into the woods. I always overdo it.....
Turkey and archery for deer opened up on the 14th. My plan was to hunt those three jakes I've been watching all summer. Well. the evening before opening Cody and I walked back to the meadow an hour before dark. My mistake! The three birds were standing out there. Cody saw them and took off after them. They, of course, flew away and I haven't seen them since. Cody was quite proud of himself. What are you gonna do......
I did set up my portable blind and hunted for three days but no birds. I finally took the blind down after two nights, I felt I was stretching my luck with the bears around. They did crunch my blind last fall. I had the bright idea to hunt out of a tree stand I have in the area. So, for two nights in a row I had deer in front of me. One big doe literally walked under my stand and stood broadside at 18 yards. And me carrying a shotgun.... I did have a hen turkey walk by a couple of times and though hens are legal in the fall, I passed on her.
I finally got serious and hauled out the bow. Kurt and I spent two days in stands and saw nothing close. I later discovered that the deer were hanging around another stand of mine we weren't hunting. Figures.... Once Kurt left I hunted one stand while the deer were walking by the other one we had been hunting. If only there were two of me.
I took the last two evenings off as it's around 70 degrees and I don't like hunting when it's that warm. Plenty of time left.
So, we drove to Bayfield today and picked up a bushel of Cortland apples. We have apples coming out our ears! But, I get fresh apple pie tonight and the deer get the leftovers.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's Tough Being a Puppy (Living with Dewey)

Mike and Sue paid us a visit this week and we thought we'd take the dogs down to Lake Superior. Cody had never fetched out of water so thought I'd work a bit with him. The first retrieves went well as I kept the sticks close to shore. Well... the next one went a little deeper and my poor pup, knowing nothing of water depth, plunged after the stick. He went under. I can still see his eyes, wide open, under the water. Well he made it out and it took me another 15 minutes before he'd go back in the water. Finally got him swimming. AND, he did need a bath.
We drove up to Bayfield and picked blueberries. Took in some sights and walked a few trails with the dogs. Came home and picked wild blueberries back in our meadow. Raspberries are almost done but the wild blackberries will be ready in a couple of weeks.
Everyone was tired last night so Cody and I took a walk back to the meadow. Pulled the SD card from a trail cam and discovered a bear had been there about 4 minutes before us. Just missed him. Glad we did as I didn't need to be battling a bear over my dog. And, of course, I was unarmed.
Took this pic of Cody with his swollen right eye. Deer fly got him and he looked pretty tough all day. He's laying at my feet as I type this. With everything I put him through, he'd still follow me anywhere. Undying devotion and undying trust.....
Mikey and I managed to pick up some nice crappies and sunnies on a local lake so at least I was able to send them home with some fish. Fishing can be tough in August but with my secret bait and secret fishing spot (thank you Alva), I seem to do OK late in the season. First time I've had the boat out in almost two months. Glad I've still got Mikey.
Fall is coming. I can feel it in the air. One month until fall turkey and bow hunting for deer. It's time......

Monday, July 1, 2013

Walking Ditches - 2013

I sometimes wonder when people will say "enough is enough". I know some have but we still have a core of great friends who make every effort to help us clean those two miles of highway.
So, thanks to Kurt, Stone, Mike, Sue, Dean and Tracy for, once again, walking with us.
As I said last year, John and I would walk those two miles by ourselves if we had to. But, I don't think we will ever walk alone.....

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fishin' With Ty and Damen

After lowering Long Lake of numerous panfish, it was time to fish closer to home. Though the fishing isn't as good here, I could have cared less as I took Al's boys out for the day.
We only picked up a couple of keeper crappies in the morning. At noon, we motored over to the local bar, docked the boat, and stopped in for a burger and fries. After lunch we tried a spot where we had some luck last August. Well. maybe this August as we marked nothing.
Trolling another shore, I lost what appeared to be a trout. Moments later Damen did indeed catch a trout. Heck we didn't even know there were trout in the lake. Though the boys had trout stamps, none of us knew if the season was open so we let it go. I checked later and indeed the season was open and the fish was of legal size. No big deal. We all had a good laugh over it.
I expected the fishing to be better but there's always next time. I wouldn't have traded this day for any other.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back to Long Lake once again.....

Just can't resist the temptation to drive 225 miles just to catch crappies. Fortunately, for me, I've still got Mike anchoring the front of my boat. We share the same desire to ultra light for crappies and sunnies. We probably caught over 400 fish the three times we hit the water.
Now I guess it's time to hit up one of my local lakes. The action is no where near what I have on Long but it does help to keep fishing in it's proper perspective. It's not the catching so much as it is just being able to get out on the water, and hopefully, have someone along to talk to and tell stories with.
Don't know that I'll have that luxury but I do have that new secret bait I need to try out.......

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

50 Years Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

When I was in 8th grade, I met a couple of guys. They are still my friends. I was honored by being chosen to be the godfather of two very nice young ladies. A daughter from each of them.
Saturday we were down at Macalaster College as Jim's daughter graduated. Jim lives in Montana so we don't see each other very often. Last weekend we were able to spend some time together both catching up a bit and, of course, reliving some of our past history together. We had more than a few laughs. It's amazing that we can remember so much stuff with our advancing age and all. Fortunately, if one of us forgot something the other usually managed to fill in the blanks.
We're planning a road trip out west next year and plan on stopping by to see Jim and Chris. I'm already looking forward to it.
I've had people tell me that it's pretty rare to have a friend for 50 years and I have two of them. That says a lot about them. They've had to put up with me....

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Turkey - 2013

I've been hunting turkey for about 30 years. Only 5 years ago did I start doing it in Wisconsin. Since you don't get drawn every year in Minnesota but can in Wisconsin, even if you are a non resident, I asked my buddy Al if I could hunt with him. We hunted 4 years together down in SW Wisconsin. He had some contacts and I was introduced to some really great people.
After Al was killed last year, Johnny and I had to make a decision. We had already applied with Al for this year. Should we go or not? We decided to go. It was what Al would have wanted. My buddy Kurt was interested in joining our party and so, well, a new hunting party was born.
I wasn't sure how we would be received with Al being gone, but the local people were absolutely wonderful to us. I now have new friends....
We hunted hard for 4 days. I was the lucky one as I called in this big guy late Wednesday afternoon. I clobbered him and told Al this one was for him.
We had some other opportunities but were unable to connect with another bird.
As is always the case, we continue to learn each time we hunt and will be just that much smarter next year. Is that possible??
We'll keep on keeping on. I know no other way. It's what we do.....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 27th, 2001

                                         YOUR NAME
You got it from your father
  It was all he had to give
So it's yours to use and cherish
  For as long as you shall live
If you lose the watch he gave you
  It can always be replaced
But a black mark on your name, son
  Can never be erased
It was clean the day you took it
  And a worthy name to bear
When he got it from his father
  There was no dishonor there
So make sure you guard it wisely
  After all is said and done
You'll be glad the name is spotless
  When you give it to your son

Eric - I remember that conversation we had on the phone....
          You were, and are and always will be my hero. I love you my son.... Dad

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hi, My Name is Cody

Yesterday I was just laying around with my brothers when these two people showed up. They put me in their car and drove me four hours to a place called "Wisconsin". I don't know much about that place except they eat a lot of cheese and worship something called "The Packers".
I guess there have been dogs that came before me. There was Daisy, Sadie, Max and Sam. I hear they were all pretty smart and good hunters as well. I know one of my new owners wants me to grow up and be like those other dogs. Well, that's not gonna happen. You see, I'm me and he's just going to have to accept that. I want him to love me for who I am. I'll be smart and maybe even find a bird if he can manage to knock one down but I won't try to be like those other dogs. They are his fond memories and it's my turn now.
I understand my name comes from a black lab that my owner and son hunted behind long ago in a place called North Dakota. Ask my owner about that if you want and you'll hear the story, I've already learned that my owner tells a lot of stories....
Well, I gotta go now. There's lots of new places to discover and smells to investigate. And if I move real fast, I have learned that they will follow me, wondering what kind of trouble I intend to get into. So much to do and so much to learn.
Bye for now..... Cody

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My New Partner

It's been three years since we had to put Sammy down. I said, "That's it" I didn't want that feeling ever again. That feeling of watching an old hunting partner, and more importantly a good friend, pass away.
I had to finally realize that I was being selfish. Nobody, but nobody would give a dog a better home than us. I quit feeling sorry for myself.
The search was a long one. We wanted a yellow lab because they are so smart and gentle. Whether you hunt or not they are just a great all around dog. I read where they are still the most popular breed. Once again people are copying me......
We wanted a light color because of all the bugs (ticks) up here, plus, well, they really look cool when almost white. Remember, it's always important to look good.
So I found a good breeder who bred a pair of healthy, vet approved dogs. I drove over to central Minnesota in early January, put down a deposit, and got first pick on the upcoming litter.
I wanted a male and on January 31st, four pups were born and they were all males. I've been receiving pictures of all four and Friday we drove over and made our selection. Meet Cody.
He's five weeks old so we will drive back in two weeks and bring him home.
We are busy puppy proofing the house and look forward? to a couple of sleepless nights when he first arrives.
I'll start his training at three months old and am looking forward to having a little buddy with me in the woods. I won't be alone anymore.......

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter in the Country

I'd post a picture but we've all seen snow on trees before..... Deer hunting just ended last weekend. I hunted the four day does only rifle season in early December. I hunted it alone. Didn't see anything but that's OK. After that I hunted five or six evenings with the bow. Deer were moving but never where I was posted. Again, I didn't really need another deer and doubt that I would have shot but since I had bought some new white camo, I thought I should use it. Saw deer in the trail cams but they were wise enough to pose in front of stands I wasn't using. Smart deer, or dumb hunter..... So, I've waxed the strings and put away the bow until I start shooting again in the spring.
We finally got out to do some ice fishing. I went along with Johhny and the boys up to Alexandria last weekend. Great weather but the fish weren't cooperating. We only kept two walleyes and they weren't worth taking a picture of. The cable TV was working, however, so we got to watch the Vikings play Saturday night. I couldn't lose as I was wearing my Green Bay baseball cap. Happy Mr. Anderson?
When we got back to the Cities, Johnny helped my put together "Dewey's Greatest Hits Volume II" Yes, it's been a long time a comin' but once again I've outdone myself.
Monday morning I headed back West and 100 miles later arrived at a farm to see about a lab puppy. I ordered one and have first pick on a little male. Pups will be born in about four weeks and five weeks after that we'll drive out and choose our puppy. Two weeks after that we get to bring him home. I'm looking forward to having a little buddy to hang with out in the woods.
When leaving the farm I plugged in my GPS and headed home. Drove through a lot of countryside and little towns I'd never heard of before. Peaceful, quiet drive.... When I hit Hinckley, I remembered a little burger shack attached to a gas station. SLIDERS!!!!! Went through the drive through and picked up a bag. Hit the freeway, put the truck on cruise, popped in "Dewey's Greatest Hits Volume II" and enjoyed my burgers. Enjoyable end to a good trip.