Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Lurks in the Night!!

Johnny wanted to pick out a deer stand where the big bucks live. I dumped a bunch of apples and set up my trail cam to see what lived back in the hinterland where we built his stand. This beauty came through late one night and then again the next night as well.
I pulled my trail camera and came back two days later to find all the apples gone. There's either deer activity around or this fella now weighs 20 pounds.
I've been busy building deer stands but now may stop and start constructing an ark. All it does up here is rain. Ok,ok, it's been raining all over but I've got this giant clay field we call our yard. It ain't pretty.....On the bright side we are feeding lots of birds as they are eating all the our grass seed which has floated to the lowest spot in our so called yard.
HOWEVER, "Mel and Dewey's Greatest Hits Volume 1" is ready to be put to cd. We each picked four country and four rock songs. Actually it went quite well. I questioned one of his rock songs which I considered country and he questioned one of my country songs, considering it a rock song. That's a wash! We even had room on the cd and at Mel's suggestion allowed our better halfs to each pick a song for the cd. That's 18 songs in all!! suggest you get your order in before the Christmas rush. This is gonna be huge.... I think.
I know possess a "Sconnie" drivers license and have purchased a small game license. If it ever stops raining, I' think I'll go chase some of those grouse I keep flushing when I'm wandering around the woods with deer stand lumber under my arm. I wonder if these birds will fly in the direction I am shooting???

Sunday, October 11, 2009

An edifice to the deer gods.....

I built the first deer stand on my property this last week. It's a lot of work when you do it by yourself. About 15 or so trips carrying ladders, boards, tools, etc. Glenda helped me and was instrumental in holding up my ladder when it almost tipped over on me. Don't know how good a spot this will be but we set up the trail camera today so we'll see what wanders by over the next week or so.
I've found a few other spots I plan on building in. They are a lot further from the house but utilizing the road and the ATV trail I've got, I'll get em done. I'm stubborn if nothing else. Now I gotta go but some more wood!
It does feel like deer hunting season. An inch of snow yesterday and it was 22 degrees this morning. Makes for nice walking in the woods and we've scared up a few grouse. Speaking of which, next Sunday and Monday I'll be back in Minnesota hunting grouse with my old buddy. Hopefully the birds will be flying in the direction I'm shooting. Even if they're not, there's no place else I'd rather be.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Turkeys, campfires and other things.....

Well, those of you that know me well do know that I am probably a certified pyromaniac. Nothin' beats a good fire. I spent a good part of Friday shovelling soggy clay so I could create this little fire pit. It's not up to my standards but one has to be careful with 70 acres of woods right behind you.
It's interesting that in Wisconsin you have to get a fire permit to burn and have to check in each day to see if conditions are such that you can burn. Well, I have a ton of stuff to burn and since it's rained about a foot in that last two days, I could hardly wait to light one up. So, I get on the internet just to be a good boy to verify that I can burn only to discover that this county doesn't allow burning on Sunday!!! What the (&*&&**(())$ That's not gonna sit well with me..... Oh, and that includes holidays as well so I can't even invent some obscure Norwegian fiesta that only I have heard of. I'm not happy...
The misses took the picture of these turkeys right outside our bedroom window. We've been watching about nine or so hens and as many little ones. Haven't seen the gobblers but they must be around somewhere as that's where the little ones come from.
I spent the last couple of days searching for a rifle clip and some Contender shells. I looked everywhere convinced that they must have become victim to spontaneous combustion. I was down to one old metal box I kept coins in. Of course I had lost the key so had to destroy it to get it open and lo and behold, there was my stuff. Now I'm back to being armed to the teeth but will have to buy another metal box...
It's funny this moving thing. You find stuff you've kept for years, not daring to throw away. Then you realize you've been moving it from house to house year after years and have never used it. When we moved the folks out of their last apartment, I found probably every card we had ever given my parents. My mom kept them all. We read a lot of them and then threw them out. I've come to discover that I do the same thing. I've got 20 oe so cards and letters I keep in my dresser drawer. Cards and letters that, well, I just couldn't throw away. I found them today, looked at the pile and put them where they belong, back in that dresser. I couldn't start reading them. I know what's in some of them and it would tear me up to start reading. So then, why do I keep them???
Tomorrow it's finally supposed to stop raining. I think I'll take a long, long walk.