Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Turkey - 2013

I've been hunting turkey for about 30 years. Only 5 years ago did I start doing it in Wisconsin. Since you don't get drawn every year in Minnesota but can in Wisconsin, even if you are a non resident, I asked my buddy Al if I could hunt with him. We hunted 4 years together down in SW Wisconsin. He had some contacts and I was introduced to some really great people.
After Al was killed last year, Johnny and I had to make a decision. We had already applied with Al for this year. Should we go or not? We decided to go. It was what Al would have wanted. My buddy Kurt was interested in joining our party and so, well, a new hunting party was born.
I wasn't sure how we would be received with Al being gone, but the local people were absolutely wonderful to us. I now have new friends....
We hunted hard for 4 days. I was the lucky one as I called in this big guy late Wednesday afternoon. I clobbered him and told Al this one was for him.
We had some other opportunities but were unable to connect with another bird.
As is always the case, we continue to learn each time we hunt and will be just that much smarter next year. Is that possible??
We'll keep on keeping on. I know no other way. It's what we do.....