Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bears and Apple Trees

Last fall we discovered a big old apple tree not too far from the house. The apples weren't all that good for eating but I fed them to the deer and took pictures on the trail cam.
We decided to buy a couple of trees right away cuz we like apples and figured that big old tree would be great for pollinating. Lo and behold, both new trees were full of apples this year. One was ready to pick next week and one is a late tree, due in October. Well, we had a visitor last night. He tore up the tree with the ripe fruit, and ate all the apples. He hit the other tree as well. That tree was so loaded, the branches were bent down so he, or she, didn't have to bust up the tree to get the fruit. There's still some apples left but don't know if we should pick them or not. They are still kinda little.
At any rate, we pulled back the two branches on the one tree and wrapped them together. We'll see if that takes. If not, we'll have a really short tree next year.
Oh, and last week I went out and bought yet another apple tree.
And when I lived in Minnesota, all I had to worry about was racoons.... Uffda!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bowhunting, Part 3 - The New Stand

I picked this beauty up when I was in the cities a couple weeks ago. Ok, it's not too far off the ground, but it is easy to get into, is right next to the house so I can sleep in a little bit longer, and is right on a deer trail.
There has been a persistent rumor going around that I fall out of deer stands. Ain't no way I'm gonna get hurt falling out of this baby!
Actually we spent about an hour yesterday, with two ladders, trying to get this sucker up a tree where I want to hunt. We didn't get it up as high as I would have liked. My helper is only 5' tall. We did the best we could.
My trail cam keeps picking up this doe and her goofy fawn. I have orders not to shoot a doe with a fawn so hopefully something else will wander by. Well, then there are those two dumb turkeys that seem to like to get their picture taken.
I did build another stand 13 1/2' off the ground not too far behind the house. Gotta build at least one more.... so much to do.