Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bowhunting...Time to Hunt.

Well, after launching 2,000 arrows (one of which is still missing), building three stands, assembling broadheads (and bandaging a finger after that project), storing clothes in pine boughs. checking wind directions, etc. it was time to hunt.
I've seen 12 deer since yesterday morning. I've had them walk under my stand, and stand broadside looking at me. Some huge does but they all had fawns and I won't shoot fawns or a doe with fawns.
Tonight I went out to the meadow a quarter mile west of the house. A huge doe and two fawns appeared and wandered around for half an hour. A yearling appeared and was chased away by one of the fawns and then the doe. When the two fawns finally bolted into the woods, I thought they had got my scent. When I saw the large blur out of the corner of my eye, I thought it was the big doe following her fawns. was a huge buck. He hit the brakes 25 yards from me. I learned a valuable lesson at that point. I had moved my stool back a few inches and when I went to draw my bow back, my elbow hit the tree. I uncocked the bow leaned forward and brought it to full draw. Oh, had I mentioned all the mosquitos that were making my life miserable? Well, I had a face mask on cuz of the bugs and it slid up in front of my right eye as I was aiming at the buck. Not wanting to take a chance on wounding him with an errant shot, I pulled down the bow so I could pull down my face mask. Though he still hadn't seen me, he decided at that point to continue on his way.
I learned a couple of valuable lessons and got to see a huge buck. Maybe me or one of my hunting partners will see him again this fall. After all, it's the anticipation that makes it so worthwhile to me.
I'll hit the woods early tomorrow. Mikey and Sue are coming up for a few days so we'll do some driving up the north shore and look at all the colors. I've still got two months to hunt before the rifle season starts.....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Let's Roll"

To the heroes of United Flight 93 - Thank You!!