Friday, March 22, 2013

Hi, My Name is Cody

Yesterday I was just laying around with my brothers when these two people showed up. They put me in their car and drove me four hours to a place called "Wisconsin". I don't know much about that place except they eat a lot of cheese and worship something called "The Packers".
I guess there have been dogs that came before me. There was Daisy, Sadie, Max and Sam. I hear they were all pretty smart and good hunters as well. I know one of my new owners wants me to grow up and be like those other dogs. Well, that's not gonna happen. You see, I'm me and he's just going to have to accept that. I want him to love me for who I am. I'll be smart and maybe even find a bird if he can manage to knock one down but I won't try to be like those other dogs. They are his fond memories and it's my turn now.
I understand my name comes from a black lab that my owner and son hunted behind long ago in a place called North Dakota. Ask my owner about that if you want and you'll hear the story, I've already learned that my owner tells a lot of stories....
Well, I gotta go now. There's lots of new places to discover and smells to investigate. And if I move real fast, I have learned that they will follow me, wondering what kind of trouble I intend to get into. So much to do and so much to learn.
Bye for now..... Cody

1 comment:

Dave Anderson said...


You sured got your owner pegged pretty fast. Don't worry, he's really a pussy cat in disguise!