Friday, March 26, 2010

March 27, 2001

Eric - I can't believe it's been 9 years since you have been gone. Sometimes I try not to think because it makes me crazy, yet I have to because I have to remember AND I WILL NEVER FORGET! Does that make any sense? Who knows and who really cares....
I had a dream last night about you and me. Your old Ford Bronco broke down and we had to fix it. Well, you were going to fix it cuz I'm just a klutz at that kind of stuff anyway.
I hate it when I have those dreams...but I can't stop them.
Your son is growing up so fast and looks like you. We've done some fishing and will do more this year. Hopefully, someday he will want to hunt. Your shotgun will be ready for him and we'll talk about the man that used to carry it.
Eric, you were, and are and always will be my hero... Love, Dad


NeenahPete said...

Wow, look at that smile. I'm sure it seems like only yesterday. Very nice posting and memorial Dewey. I'm sorry to see you lost a son. I can only imagine......

Dave Anderson said...


Each year you offer a beautiful tribute to Eric. You wear your love for him on your sleeve which is better than keeping it inside. We each deal with our own grief and for Eric he will always know your love for him. I also know that your children, all of them, must proud of that love. My prayers are with you.