Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Hotel California!

Ok, Ok, I haven't been posting lately but I have been staying busy.
Deer hunting was fun as always. We only got 1 deer but the fun is being in the woods and hanging out with a great group of guys. It's just too bad it's just for a few days...
We did our annual Thanksgiving weekend grouse hunt. I've discovered where the grouse like to hang out but they still don't like to fly in the direction I'm shooting. Johnny dumped one but we couldn't find it. One for the coyotes I guess. What we need is "InstantDog". Just add water...
So, yesterday broke with 25 mph winds and a temperature of 8 degrees. T'was a fine day to launch "The Hotel California"! To say it was cold was an understatement but I wanted to be ready to fish by evening. I caught the obligatory 2 northerns so decided to sleep in this morning. Tonight I was joined by "The Great Indoorsman". We caught those same 2 northerns and 3 small walleyes. Too small to keep but it beat looking at northern teeth.
Last year I caught 5 little walleyes and that was it. Hope springs eternal so may this year??? This is the earliest I've ever got the hotel out so maybe, just maybe...
We'll be out there again tomorrow night. If nothing else, I'm stubborn, or so I'm told.....


Anonymous said...

Any more walters??? Hope you are being a great indoorsman today. Looks like the weather up your way is treacherous. Stay warm my friend

Dewey said...

We've caught 5 little walleyes and one keeper. It's been so windy or cold that I haven't even put out a tip up yet. It was 13 below when I went out this afternoon and may hit 30 below tonight. AND, it's only December.....
Hope it warms up when you guys come up!!