Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Fat Lady Never Had A Chance...(A.K.A. Kurt And Dewey Go A Huntin')

Ok, Ok, enough about the Fat Lady!
After giving the grouse, and myself, a two week rest it was time to go after that elusive quarry again.
Having discovered that new secret spot where Walker shot his bird, I came up with a marvelous plan. I decided to hunt it first thing and again right before we headed home. Well, we hadn't walked but 100 yards and Kurt got one running around in the berries. It was 7:55 and the skunk was already over. It was going to be a wonderful day! Well, 6 hours later after walking many miles and only flushing 4 more birds (none of which flew in the direction we were shooting), we harkened back to our secret berry patch. This time one flushed in front of The Old Norwegian and I actually had to shoot it out of the air! Must be those new contacts I just got. We jumped yet another bird on the way back to the truck but once again, it flew in a different direction than we were shooting. That's ok. You have to leave some brood stock. At least, that's my story...

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