Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dewey Bakin' Cookies!

Yeah, I know....what the heck is this about??
Got knocked off the lake last night due to lightning and the fishing this morning was lousy.
I mentioned that I was out of cookies and was informed that if I wanted some, I had to make them. So, with a little assist, I knocked out these beauties! Ok, some are attached to each other and I had an issue with the butter that I won't go into, but all in all, things turned out ok. Hey, "Real Texas Fish", they are much easier to make with propane!
August can be a tough time to fish. A couple more weekends and it's time to walk some ditches.....
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Unknown said...

You tell him Duane! (Cookies look deelish!)

Real Texas Fish said...

OK! OK! they do look good. I'll see if I can get the new stove and propane installed before the Hurricane hits ! Along with my new office add on and whatever else you two had planned for me.
Geez I'm hungry all of a sudden.

Real Texas Fish

Dewey said...

Don't forget the slide out garbage can. If your assignments aren't completed this year, Glenda said we are coming down next year to do it for you!!!

Unknown said...

That's it... now I will make sure that none of it gets done!! Woo hoo!!!