Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dewey Buys a Lawn Mower!!

After the big "party" last Saturday night, I decided to mow the lawn. It's not something I have to do much anymore but I pulled out my old dependable 20" mower and had at it. I noticed the cut was very choppy so decided to turn the mower upside down to check and see if the blade was loose. When I did that, the motor fell off. I knew that was not good as the motor is attached to the cutting blade. You get the picture..... After much analysis I decided that there was no way to drill new holes through the deck and duct tape probably wouldn't hold (for long), so decided I would have to buy a NEW lawn mower! How's your heart Alva?? So here it is, my NEW 22" push lawn mower!! Haven't used it yet but it sure is nice and shiny!
Ok, back to fishin'. Between rain showers Don and I picked up some nice crappies. Caught lots of little ones too and just kept enough for a meal each.
Next weekend it's off to Wisconsin to build Kurt a sure fire stand. Think I'll take the new pick up. Need some road time with Pvt. Malone.....
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Unknown said...

Ahhh, that nice shiny new lawn mower makes me wonder how a new propane tank and shiny new stove would look!

Unknown said...

(in MY kitchen, that is!)

Stone said...

Good looking mower, Dew. I actually believe you had the duct tape out, trying to figure out how to re-mount the engine... Norwegians and their nickels are hard to separate...

I'm proud of you for not getting a rider. We need someone to keep us younger bucks on our toes. Not only can I not catch walleyes, I can't catch muskies either... It's been a slow year. Glad you got some nice crappies!

Take care and enjoy "Clapton."


Dewey said...

PeeWee - I'm glad you clarified or I would be posting a picture of my propane tank and stove. Hmmmm, that could still happen.
Stone - Finished "Clapton". Good book, but boy that guy had some issues!

Real Texas Fish said...

Dew - - I would have gone the Duct Tape route - that's what PeeWee's stove is held together with and it still I'm not sure what the problem is !!!!!!

Dewey said...

Hey, Real Texas Fish, duct tape melts in the heat so be careful using it around a stove.
Hey, did "my little buddy" make it down there to assist you???

Dave Anderson said...

It must be nice to have a lawn on can us a push mower on successfully. It is 2:00am in Dongguang China and I have heard complaints of blogs being blocked so I decided to check What's Dewey Doin'. You can rest easy knowing you appear to not be a political threat here in China, epecially just before the Olympics. I'd watch those Duct tape comments however, as everyone know this is our "secret weapon". Xie Xie