Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Demise of "Walleye Mike"???

No, he's still with us in body, if not in mind. However, he was upstaged big time by wife Sue who picked up this 26 1/2", almost 7 pound walleye late Friday morning. She was guided by "The Old Norwegian" who, by the way, made a great net job as her 4 pound test line broke. Mikey was in the boat, doing what, nobody knows.....
We caught tons of crappies, many small, (the future), but enough nice post spawn fish so we had plenty to send back to the cities.
T'was a good three days....
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Johnny said...

Who's Mike?

Anonymous said...

Looks like lots of fun up there. I didnt see ant pictures of John with fish or cleaning any. Hmm. By the way Cinderella canceled due to The singer having issues with is voice. Maybe they can get Boy George if he gets his Visa