Sunday, June 24, 2012

Walking Ditches - 2012

The weatherman said there was a 40% chance of rain Saturday and the radar wasn't too promising, but that never deters us. It's not allowed to rain when we walk ditches. Of course, the DOT didn't inform us that they would be sand blasting cracks and filling them in with tar. Again, that doesn't matter either. We still walk and pick up trash.
I mentioned last year that John and I would walk those 2 miles by ourselves if we had to but our friends still give up a Saturday and pick up trash with us. Well, except for that live Bull snake. We left that alone...
So I want to thank Mike, Kurt, Lyle, Stone, Tommy, Kevin and his son Anthony, andUwe and his son Danny for walking those ditches with us. The missus and John did all the cooking and I whined about all the cuts on my legs. I gotta learn not to wear shorts when I walk the deep weeds....
I still see the occasional driver that stops for us as we cross the street, smiles and gives us the thumbs up. They see the signs on each end of our road. They know who we are. That makes me feel good.
We'll be back next year.

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