Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Usta Throw a Curveball

Drove down to the cities for Christmas. Weather was too dangerous for Johnny and the girls to come up here. We went over and saw our grandson and then had a quiet Christmas Eve at John's. Played some cards and had a couple of Captain Morgans and coke. John and I don't normally drink that but we know somebody who did so we always have a couple on Christmas Eve. Guess that's now our tradition.
Chaos reignith Christmas Day when the girls got there. After presents, we decided to play some Wii. My favorite was the bowling. No idea how many games I played. Then it was time for the snowball fight. I can hardly move my right arm.......And I thought I was in shape.
A three hour drive home took four hours yesterday. T'wasn't a lot of fun on the freeway. Blew out the driveway. One neighbor came over with some treats today and another showed up with his plow and plowed out my mailbox. It's funny. People live up here for the peace and privacy yet they always seem to be there when you need some help. You don't even have to ask. We really only knew one neighbor when we lived in BP and up here we know all five couples. Funny how that goes...
Oh, and speaking of that curveball. It's the only real pitch I had in Little League. I tried to throw one to my nephew about six years ago and tossed the ball into the lake. My arm hurt the next day after that effort as well. I never seem to learn.
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Be safe New Years Eve...

1 comment:

NeenahPete said...

Captain Morgans, huh? I believe I saw a bottle of that at my daughter's house Christmas Day. Never thought to give it a try but think I will next special occasion there. At least before I have the Beer du Jour. Haven't had the opportunity to play any Wii games yet either although, I believe, all of my kids have them now. Our son just took one back to Chicago that he bought up here while home for Christmas to avoid their 10% sales tax. By the way, great curveball in the lake story! Christmas was great, thanks. Happy New Year to you and yours.