Sunday, April 19, 2009

Turkey Hunting - 2009

We had a great hunt this last week. I nailed this 22 1/2 pounder opening morning using the "modified Johnny stalking method". I can bore anybody who's interested some other time. Heck, I can even bore anyone who's not interested. Never stopped me before. But, once again, I digress...
Johnny got this nice jake on the third morning. He made a nice shot. I was with him just hanging out as once I shot my bird, I put my gun away. It was fun just sitting there, behind a deadfall, whispering back and forth. Well...I guess you just had to be there.
Kurt passed on a couple of jakes so went home turkeyless. (Is that a word)??
Sammy took a tumble following his brother Hank in pursuit of a squirrel. He could hardly walk for two days but seems to be getting a little better. I don't know how those battered joints hold up. He's a tough dog but I get worried sometimes......
Next weekend it's up to Wisconsin to see our friends and show Glenda our land as she's never seen it without snow on it and hasn't walked it at all. I'll bring up some wood in anticipation of more new deer stands for this fall.
Then in three weeks it's off to Wisconsin again to hunt turkeys with Al. AND, then back home for DeweyFest. BTW, "Dewey's Greatest Hits Volume 1" is complete and I am busy burning copies. I hope everyone likes it.
Oh, and "Real Texas Fish", a copy will be in the mail this week!


Dave Anderson said...

Awesome!!! Maybe you could smile after getting such a nice bird:-)

Real Texas Fish said...

Dew; Can't wait to get my copy of "Dewey's Greatest Hits" so I can introduce your tune selections to my redneck friends.

Dewey said...

Mr. Anderson, I was smiling.....
RTF, I mailed it this morning. It even contains two country songs!!