Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve.... In My Deer Stand

Yup, that's where I sat until dark tonight. It was quiet and peaceful. No deer wandered by but that was ok as we were invited over to our friend's house for a highball and shooting a deer would have just been an inconvenience anyway.
Tomorrow John and the girls will be here and we will celebrate Christmas. Yeah, I'm old fashioned and I still use the word "Christmas" rather than "Holiday". I may not be politically correct, but then like I care anyways.....
How lucky we are. And to Pvt. Malone and all those that followed him... Thank You, and may you rest in peace....

1 comment:

NeenahPete said...

Sorry, this is a little late but Merry Christmas, Dewey! I'm with you on the political correctness thing. I'm still holding out for the day we come to our political senses. I had a highball or 2 myself Christmas Eve. May you have a wonderful 2011! Oh, and the picture is great. Being there must have made for a neat, peaceful Christmas Eve.