Sunday, January 20, 2008

COLD...How far we've fallen....

Was watching the Twin Cities news last night. The leading story was on the frigid temperatures and this particular station has "team coverage" to report on the cold. It was -3 below.... Guess that's what happens when people live their lives indoors...
Up here it was -27 Saturday morning and -29 this morning. Drilled holes in"The Hotel California" Friday night but couldn't keep them open after last night. Too cold. Could have used "team coverage"... Guess it's about time to pull her off the lake. When it warms up a bit, it will be time for "The Voodoo Lounge" again.

1 comment:

Stone said...

Anything for ratings. We live in a parliament of whores. Non-news is now Breaking News.

Hi-Definition whining, I like to call it. Like the case of the lad who cried "Wolf!" too often, you begin to tune out the BS, and shortly begin to disregard it altogether.

I'm sick of it and I sit on my rusty dusty in front of a computer all day. I can't imagine how the people who really work (as in outside, year-round) feel about this...