Monday, September 3, 2007

Kurt and Dewey go a golfin'

What would a Labor Weekend be without a trip to the links?? Along with our "significant others", we tackled the local 9 hole course. We played "Dewey Rules", of course. I launched my first drive out of bounds, lost the ball but found two others. Under "Dewey Rules" that not only negates the out of bounds stroke but subtracts yet another stroke from the hole!!
One of the balls I found was a Calloway "Warbird". It served me well until the 9th hole when I decided to use my driver again and, you guessed it, launched one into the forest. Said goodbye to the "Warbird" It served me well.....
Besides out trip to the links, we deep fried my wild turkey, caught fish and tried not to get dehydrated......
Oh, by the way, for a complete set of "Dewey Rules", send $15.00 cash to me. I'll get back to you..........
Rock on!!

1 comment:

Johnny said...

Stone plays by "Dewey Rules" all the time...except he usually picks up Uwe's ball and then lies about his score anyway!!