Sunday, October 11, 2009

An edifice to the deer gods.....

I built the first deer stand on my property this last week. It's a lot of work when you do it by yourself. About 15 or so trips carrying ladders, boards, tools, etc. Glenda helped me and was instrumental in holding up my ladder when it almost tipped over on me. Don't know how good a spot this will be but we set up the trail camera today so we'll see what wanders by over the next week or so.
I've found a few other spots I plan on building in. They are a lot further from the house but utilizing the road and the ATV trail I've got, I'll get em done. I'm stubborn if nothing else. Now I gotta go but some more wood!
It does feel like deer hunting season. An inch of snow yesterday and it was 22 degrees this morning. Makes for nice walking in the woods and we've scared up a few grouse. Speaking of which, next Sunday and Monday I'll be back in Minnesota hunting grouse with my old buddy. Hopefully the birds will be flying in the direction I'm shooting. Even if they're not, there's no place else I'd rather be.....

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