My buddy Al and I headed out last week on our annual spring turkey hunt. We were greeted with 8 inches of new snow and a wind to go with it.
Toughest turkey hunting I've faced but it didn't stop Al from bagging this 21 1/2 pounder the first morning.
My new white camo came in handy...well it made me look good but the gobblers weren't impressed. We saw numerous other birds but they weren't interested in our decoys or our calls. Oh, and then Friday afternoon we sat out for five hours in the pouring rain until dark. Good rain gear kept me dry and warm. Heck, I even had a gobbler within 75 yards during that downpour but no cigar. Must be something wrong with me...I enjoyed that evening.
It was a good trip. A good friend and more good memories. That's what it's all about.
Time to clean the dust out of the boat. Two weeks until the opener and between hunting and building yet more deer stands, I haven't done a dang thing to prepare.